The tech group is made up of many smaller groups that have created their own projects and aim to help Gaia directly or bring awarness to current relevant topics!
- A three part podcast series about fracking in Oklahoma, plastic pollution in Indonesia, genetically modified food, and the effects they all have on the environment. In the episodes we talk about these problems and potential solutions. Hosted by Ethan, Anna, and Justin. A.J.E. of Development
- A podcast show about how people can be more environmentally responsible and why one should care, hosted by Alex. Episode 1
- A poem about racism, written/performed in primarily Tagalog by Clarisa and Grace. You say you understand, but you don't understand
- A sestina poem about Gaia, with a development series following from pre-human, to modern day, and then continuing to future day by Sophie. GAIA, the poem
- A photo series capturing the effects of pollution on people emotionally and physically, captured by Aliza and Abbey. Facing Reality
- A short film placed in Seattle, WA that is now filled with disease, violence, and anarchy. It's a symbolic film that attempts to bring light to some of the enviromental, political, and social issues that plague our world today. Including Ben, Logan, Linus, Matt, Anjelle, Rafa, and Casey. GAIA, the movie
- Deforestation has become a substantial problem in not only the USA, but around the world. It can have a negative impact on the environment. The most dramatic impact is a loss of habitat for millions of species. That is why Sydney, Faith, Rianna, Ben, Brendan, Annie, and Jianna have decided to plant trees. planting film
- Elyse has created a map representing the demographics map from surveys she has collected data from students at seattle public high schools. Demographics map